I think there's one point for improvement. "Acute toxicity" is a very narrow view within the hundred other ways that these molecular combinations can eventually cause death. By focusing on this terminology, you risk having an audience not familiar with the breadth of Spike pathology misuse your work to say that "little (observable) *acute* toxicity" = "not harmful".
Falling into this trap is what pharmaceuticals / regulatory agencies have historically relied on in order to define "safety": if it's not a gunshot with death 30 minutes later, then it is defined as "safe" (think of the historic battles to have tobacco / asbestos danger acknowledged).
In our case, it is already well established in the medical literature that a great number of organs and cell types are targeted by the Spike motif and therefore for immune attack and eventual destruction. This takes time – it won't be acute, but it may be debilitating and deadly – something that your data may be showing us if we stop focusing on "acute".
For this reason, you may consider rewording some of these points here so that conclusions are not drawn prematurely.
When I use the term “acute toxicity” I am referring to all adverse events occurring under exposure of either a modRNA product itself or its translated payload, the spike protein.
If you have any better suggestions I'll change the article in an instant. Maybe I'll think of something overnight.
I understand all of this mortality as COVID sequesters, primarily in triple vaccinated and bivalentlly boosted individuals, caused by 3 variants that gained predominance this year.
I haven't even looked at the variant data for Germany in detail, but that's what it looks like to me and it fits what Vanden Bossche warned us of, even though I think he was thinking of a more fulminant reaction to the new variants. This is all mortality not declared as COVID mortality.
I have to clarify again. When I say acute toxicity I'm including the effects of the payload that unfolds within a few weeks. However anything that goes far beyond a few weeks is not too common I think.
The medical literature and tests / autopsies / animal studies that have been done indicate that damage is likely far more prevalent than we are able to identify at this point. We also have compounding issues in practice, such as that any patient with a chronic condition will be categorized as having a "worsening" of their pre-existing condition, rather than the doctors considering if the new symptoms are vaccine injuries. This is still largely taboo to bring up with colleagues. So people with the highest vulnerability and likelihood to suffer and die are systematically excluded from being investigated and recognized as having Spike-induced injuries. Our blood values, for instance, are universally lower this year in patients than last year. Spike has the machinery to target blood cells and haematopoietic stem cells. When a patient has these low levels combined with already chronic condition or old age, they will eventually die. It won't be acute, it will be long and slow. Autopsies are not checking the bone marrow and blood cells for Spike-induced changes. Only rare publications check important organs like heart, and find tremendous hidden damage.
For this reason it's important to recognize what information we don't have in the data yet that you're working with, and not extend our conclusions to e.g. statements that belong in the field of pathology, cell biology, clinical medicine to answer.
Don't forget I'm very familiar with the VAERS data.
Those reports about infected individuals report death at much higher proportions than those about product-associated adverse events.
I am not saying spike protein isn't causing any lasting issues in these patients. However it seems these people are still most likely to die off COVID.
I estimate BQ.1 (Pfizer's "Cerberus") has a CFR of roughly 5% in the bivalently boosted.
I cannot assess the CFR of XBB.1.5 (Moderna's "Kraken"), since Germany doesn't use Moderna bivalent boosters and I'm currently working with German data.
This is what is happening I think. Nearly all non-COVID excess mortality is occurring in the bivalently boosted.
Doesn't mean the spike injuries from the vaccines don't increase their risk even further though!
These vaccines are causing one epidemic after another. EVERY large wave is a new variant. It's the immune pressure allowing these to thrive.
We have deployed 6 different bivalent boosters by Pfizer and Moderna, 10 modRNA products in total.
This sounds like you're finding some very interesting leads. I'll be curious to continue watching what you find.
Editing, since I've been thinking about what you say the last hour: So in synopsis of this data that you present, it seems that of all excess deaths that occur, the larger percentage of these excess deaths correspond to covid variant waves, and they follow the timing of booster campaigns, and they occur more so in people who have been boosted?
This would be interesting to check on the level of individual patients: does the German database have that detail? In family doctors, the computer system will have an easy overview of when each person got their shots (hopefully also which brand of shot), and it would likely also document visits from that person when they get Covid and need treatment. Getting enough data this way to be significant would be unlikely in a single praxis, but it could be interesting to see if the timing trend were reflected.
I have VAERS for patient level detail, nothing else. :/
However I'm not done with the German data. There is some data stratified by federal land, vaccination dates, product types and dose series I think, but I have to download hundreds of gigabytes.
What you said is about right, yes. Geert Vanden Bossche laid out the entire mechanism.
In the next article I will lay out all waves with absolute number of cases per variant. I have this data for each federal land, but will focus on the nationwide data.
The ratios for cases to deaths I've approximated are:
BA.1 5000:1
BA.2 1000:1
BA.5 500:1
BE.1 100:1
BQ.1 11:1
This fits the evasive proporties perfectly. Fusiogenicity is also increased for BQ.1. That is the one they call "Cerberus".
These aren't CFR's though, but just ratios of registered cases to deaths. For some reason those who die aren't diagnosed. I assume there are no symptoms? Suddenly and unexpectedly...
It's gonna be a lot of work.
EDIT: Btw I haven't checked other countries data. BQ.1 prevalence should correlate strongly with number of administered bivalent Pfizer boosters and excess deaths.
I could still be completely wrong. Better wrong than afraid to think. :)
What I'm saying is that I don't think the mechanisms you describe are what's killing these people. I'm not saying what you describe isn't happening, but it looks to me as if the virus has to work its magic for these massive waves mortality to occur. The correlation is too strong too ignore.
However this is probably happening primarily in bivalently boosted individuals and the whole reason these highly infectious variants became predominant are the boosters.
Young healthy woman experienced heart attack months afterwards. Not a death, but the mechanism seems to be in place for the shot to slowly have an effect on people. So waves of mortality are bunched together because of campaigns. For example, anecdotally, seeing officers from the same police department drop within a month of each other. Teachers from the same school system weeks from each other. Mandate comes down, and conscientious employees jump right in, elseways mandate deadline apporaches and busy employees finally get around to it. My previous job, many people got theirs around the same time, when it became available, others around the same time after reminders came. And then there's the booster campaigns and reminders.
Yes. Who says she didn't have an infection? There isn't as much testing going on anymore. Besides, we don't even know what is in these tests.
I'll give you a rundown of what I am seeing.
Vaccines kill two ways:
1) Toxicity elicited directly by the product or by its payload (spike protein)
2) Through the immune pressure they put on SARS-CoV-2 during breakthrough infections, causing new variants to gain predominance that eventually find their way back to the vaccinated, who are particularly susceptible
It's not just the vaccines. It's also monoclonal antibodies by Eli Lilly that imprint patients' immune systems. The problem is that none of these supply sterile immunity, so the virus learns to evade the antibodies of its host and is passed on to others.
Each variant is harder to neutralize for the vaccinated.
It seems those who were vaccinated are now dying of SARS-CoV-2 infections. The deaths are not declared as such though, so I assume they're dying suddenly and unexpectedly.
It seems to me some people may be dying of anything that can overtake a person caught up in an ongoing immune challenge. It seems the 'endogenous spike', if you will, of the injected may never actually get cleared, or at least not for a very long time, in some (if not all) injected people. In what might mimic an autoimmune disorder in some people, but present without symptoms in others (much like COVID itself), the body is busy with spike, and increasingly so the more times injected, such that cancer, meningitis, RSV, grp A strep, sepsis, (shingles not necessarily fatal) etc may develop where they otherwise would have been defeated or kept in homeostasis. Basically an immune deficiency disorder. If it's a correct theory, people would be dying also of new COVID variants, but not only.
Yes I agree, it seems people just become susceptible to pretty much everything that can go wrong. However I can not see that in the data. What I can see in the data is that the excess mortality waves are preceded by COVID waves. We know the mechanism by which infections could end very unfortunate for the vaccinee. Unless the data suggest otherwise (I will look into this further), I propose these people caught infections which presented in an unusual manner, possibly clinically silent, and remained undiagnosed.
It's also possible that these people did have diagnosed COVID-19, but the death wasn't registered as such. I don't know, it's really odd. I'll try writing that article in the next couple of days. I'm done looking at the data for this one, the model is pretty much done.
Yes exactly. It will stop once the bivalent boosters are gone and all bivalently boosted were infected. I think it's more than 1 of 100 bivalently boosted that is dying IF it's only them.
I agree that excess mortality in 2022 can not have been caused by acute toxicity alone, but it might still play a significant part. Around 92% of deaths have occurred in the 60+ age group. In this group, 38% have had four or more jabs, and basically all of these have been dealt out in 2022.
No it's a bit more complex. It's all COVID. The vaccination campaigns coincide with covid waves. New immune pressure creates new variants. Every booster wave correlates with the mortality of the NEXT covid wave. I'll explain it in my next article.
I look forward to your next installment. If it's all COVID, then since I've had COVID you think I'm at equal risk of future "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" and wildfire cancer as someone who's been vaccinated?
Sorry Sheery, I just noticed your post after I had replied to Joel's reply earlier.
No I do not think so for two reasons:
1) The immune systems of the unvaccinated were not deceptively imprinted. You can defend yourself against the virus like any other healthy person.
2) You weren't exposed to spike protein for as long as the vaccinated were. Spike protein injury probably accumulates over time.
There was an article in Nature about COVID-19 sequesters after reinfections. It claimed they occur in both unvaccinated in vaccinated.
While I generally don't see the unvaccinated become reinfected repeatedly, those with weakened immune responses will probably suffer similar damage.
That is precisely why this needs to stop. People can boost themselves to the sky and back if it didn't affect us, but these new variants they generate WILL somehow affect the unvaccinated as well.
As far as I understand (but I'm not a virologist, vaccinologist, pathologist, etc...!!), if you got COVID prior to jab, you're probably OK because your first immune training was natural. Conversely, if your first exposure was to the jab, your immune system is subverted and subsequent natural exposure is worse. And this gets progressively worse, the more you inject.
Other than that I agree. The longer the duration of spike protein exposure and the higher the dose - regardless of the vector (adenovirus, modRNA, beta-coronavirus, virus-like nanoparticles etc.) - the higher the chance adverse health effects manifest in the patient.
Well, I don't think there is THAT big a difference between COVID-19 pathology and modRNA pathology. Both can be attributed to spike protein toxicity.
I think it's like this:
- It doesn't matter what vector introduces spike protein, as long as your cells are exposed to it
- The injections help the body fend off the virus for some time
- The infection is more likely to kill than the vaccine
It looks like the injection is protecting you from COVID-19 and it kind of is, but at the same you accumulate injuries from spike protein exposure EITHER WAY.
Everytime you suffer an infection sequesters accumulate further.
It's a losing game.
But the real issue is what the immune imprinting and the prolonged exposure is doing to the immune system and hence to the virus which eventually comes back to bite the vaccinee.
Correct. As I have shown in Norway and England (in detail), and evidence pretty much everywhere else in the world with high vax rates. It's VAED or ADE COVID. Without the help from the jab, COVID is a nothing burger, as evidenced in this data (and the other Nordics) prior to the jab campaigns.
Well I only added the first two years to give people an idea of what average years look like. 2021 is quite complex, with 150million or so administered injections and the "delta wave". This could've generated some confusion about what I was trying to say with that picture.
Also, 3x4 charts would reduce the total resolution of the image. Since I have presented all the charts in the first article, including high resolution charts for 2020-2022 for all regions, I decided against adding a fourth year.
I even considered explaining that so nobody would assume trickery, but I tend to talk too much, so I decided against that too. :D
What is the time frame of “acute toxicity” as you are using it? How long is an individual under exposure of either a modRNA product itself or its translated payload, the spike protein after an injection?
I think the exposure time varies immensely, but generally speaking - and this goes for nearly all drugs - the closer the temporal proximity to the maximum plasma level, the higher the chance of adverse events occurring.
The vast majority of adverse events is reported for the first week post-injection. However an individual who received a higher dose is expected to have a higher plasma level than another individual who received a lower dose at all times. Hence adverse events can occur sooner after administration and for a longer duration.
Then there is lasting damage induced by spike. In order not to get caught up in specifics, I will say this: There are a number of pathophysiological processes kicked off by spike exposure that are akin to the process of aging.
But I think the biggest danger in the long term is still COVID-19, especially for the bivalently boosted. I will get to that in the next article.
Looking forward to your thoughts on 2022. I was heavily coerced into the first 2 shots early 2021 and would like to know when I can stop worrying quite so much about this. However, I will never stop being angry about the manipulations and allowing myself to be bullied into going against my instincts. What is meant by 'COVID-19 sequesters'?
Well I assume these are mostly coagulopathies, but there's probably a long list of issues. What's key is the infection however, not the vaccination itself. The vaccine protects from the virus, but creates immune pressure on it without providing sterile immunity. With lots of people being susceptible to the variants that result from this, we get a continuous stream of new variants as long as new "updated" vaccines are supplied. These are the "waves".
If you've had covid since your second shot I don't think you have to be too worried, but I'm not an Immunologist. I can only judge the data. My gut says you're good unless you keep taking shots. Vanden Bossche suggested only the bivalently boosted needed to beware I think. The interaction between virus, vaccine and immune system is much too complex for me to fully understand it.
More than a buffer. Moderna use it to scavenge Aldehydes form by the breakdown of the tertiary amines in the LNPs which bind to mRNA and stop it replicating.
Do you know the lot numbers? In that case I could check. If you can dig up which lots used Tromethamine I can do an analysis.
Are there any other vaccines that use it as adjuvant?
I considered creating report cohorts according to the type of adiuvant used for my safety signal website (pervaers.com), but it'd take a lot of time and I ended up writing instead.
Unfortunately I don't have Lot numbers used in Germany, but in US and elsewhere they first entered in the FJ series. Moderna has used it from the start.
Tromethamine is also used in the Ervebo (Ebola Zaire live virus) vaccine, Dengvaxia Dengue Fever jab. The Smallpox vaccine approved for use against Monkeypox, Jynneos, is known to cause Anaphylaxis and contains 600 micrograms of Tromethamine per dose.
Pfizer were given permission without any Trial to use it in all versions of the Pediatric jab, then extended to all ages. This occurred in October 2021.
Many patients in my view as dr test positive for Covid 19 short after Covid 19 bioweapon injection. They get sick - I observe personel stay at home because of the
injection weeks after. Since PCR test is not reliable (too many cycles, wrong primers, temperature etc see Drosten retraction paper, K. Mullis) the so called "therapeutic effect" you see is that injection causes harm/illness and therefore it is mistaken to be Covid 19.
The shots cause autoimmune disease as Germanys best Histopathologist Burkhardt (died last year) showed in autopsies. The nanolipids are poisenous (cathionic lipids, SM 102 in Moderna for example). People get clots, myocarditis, Guillaine Barré etc which I have observed in practice.
Foreign proteins especially produced for long time are toxic, induce autoimmune disease. The body attacks itself. Christian Müeller noticed
Myocarditis among 3% of employees in University of Basel after 3:ed dose Pfizer. Pardekooper proved that different batches have wildly different amount and grade of sideeffects. That implies experimentation with different concentrations of ingredients and different ingredients in different batches. Look up former Pfizer chief scientist Mike Yeadons comment on this! So in my opinion your inerpretation is wrong. This are not vaccines. They do not protect. This is desinformation as I view it that in 2022 they lowered excess mortality.
This is a lot of work and good data to build on.
I think there's one point for improvement. "Acute toxicity" is a very narrow view within the hundred other ways that these molecular combinations can eventually cause death. By focusing on this terminology, you risk having an audience not familiar with the breadth of Spike pathology misuse your work to say that "little (observable) *acute* toxicity" = "not harmful".
Falling into this trap is what pharmaceuticals / regulatory agencies have historically relied on in order to define "safety": if it's not a gunshot with death 30 minutes later, then it is defined as "safe" (think of the historic battles to have tobacco / asbestos danger acknowledged).
In our case, it is already well established in the medical literature that a great number of organs and cell types are targeted by the Spike motif and therefore for immune attack and eventual destruction. This takes time – it won't be acute, but it may be debilitating and deadly – something that your data may be showing us if we stop focusing on "acute".
For this reason, you may consider rewording some of these points here so that conclusions are not drawn prematurely.
I decided to add a disclaimer
When I use the term “acute toxicity” I am referring to all adverse events occurring under exposure of either a modRNA product itself or its translated payload, the spike protein.
Yes I agree. I was having trouble how to put it.
If you have any better suggestions I'll change the article in an instant. Maybe I'll think of something overnight.
I understand all of this mortality as COVID sequesters, primarily in triple vaccinated and bivalentlly boosted individuals, caused by 3 variants that gained predominance this year.
I haven't even looked at the variant data for Germany in detail, but that's what it looks like to me and it fits what Vanden Bossche warned us of, even though I think he was thinking of a more fulminant reaction to the new variants. This is all mortality not declared as COVID mortality.
I have to clarify again. When I say acute toxicity I'm including the effects of the payload that unfolds within a few weeks. However anything that goes far beyond a few weeks is not too common I think.
The medical literature and tests / autopsies / animal studies that have been done indicate that damage is likely far more prevalent than we are able to identify at this point. We also have compounding issues in practice, such as that any patient with a chronic condition will be categorized as having a "worsening" of their pre-existing condition, rather than the doctors considering if the new symptoms are vaccine injuries. This is still largely taboo to bring up with colleagues. So people with the highest vulnerability and likelihood to suffer and die are systematically excluded from being investigated and recognized as having Spike-induced injuries. Our blood values, for instance, are universally lower this year in patients than last year. Spike has the machinery to target blood cells and haematopoietic stem cells. When a patient has these low levels combined with already chronic condition or old age, they will eventually die. It won't be acute, it will be long and slow. Autopsies are not checking the bone marrow and blood cells for Spike-induced changes. Only rare publications check important organs like heart, and find tremendous hidden damage.
For this reason it's important to recognize what information we don't have in the data yet that you're working with, and not extend our conclusions to e.g. statements that belong in the field of pathology, cell biology, clinical medicine to answer.
Don't forget I'm very familiar with the VAERS data.
Those reports about infected individuals report death at much higher proportions than those about product-associated adverse events.
I am not saying spike protein isn't causing any lasting issues in these patients. However it seems these people are still most likely to die off COVID.
I estimate BQ.1 (Pfizer's "Cerberus") has a CFR of roughly 5% in the bivalently boosted.
I cannot assess the CFR of XBB.1.5 (Moderna's "Kraken"), since Germany doesn't use Moderna bivalent boosters and I'm currently working with German data.
This is what is happening I think. Nearly all non-COVID excess mortality is occurring in the bivalently boosted.
Doesn't mean the spike injuries from the vaccines don't increase their risk even further though!
These vaccines are causing one epidemic after another. EVERY large wave is a new variant. It's the immune pressure allowing these to thrive.
We have deployed 6 different bivalent boosters by Pfizer and Moderna, 10 modRNA products in total.
Molnupiravir is helping to kick things off.
This sounds like you're finding some very interesting leads. I'll be curious to continue watching what you find.
Editing, since I've been thinking about what you say the last hour: So in synopsis of this data that you present, it seems that of all excess deaths that occur, the larger percentage of these excess deaths correspond to covid variant waves, and they follow the timing of booster campaigns, and they occur more so in people who have been boosted?
This would be interesting to check on the level of individual patients: does the German database have that detail? In family doctors, the computer system will have an easy overview of when each person got their shots (hopefully also which brand of shot), and it would likely also document visits from that person when they get Covid and need treatment. Getting enough data this way to be significant would be unlikely in a single praxis, but it could be interesting to see if the timing trend were reflected.
I have VAERS for patient level detail, nothing else. :/
However I'm not done with the German data. There is some data stratified by federal land, vaccination dates, product types and dose series I think, but I have to download hundreds of gigabytes.
What you said is about right, yes. Geert Vanden Bossche laid out the entire mechanism.
In the next article I will lay out all waves with absolute number of cases per variant. I have this data for each federal land, but will focus on the nationwide data.
The ratios for cases to deaths I've approximated are:
BA.1 5000:1
BA.2 1000:1
BA.5 500:1
BE.1 100:1
BQ.1 11:1
This fits the evasive proporties perfectly. Fusiogenicity is also increased for BQ.1. That is the one they call "Cerberus".
These aren't CFR's though, but just ratios of registered cases to deaths. For some reason those who die aren't diagnosed. I assume there are no symptoms? Suddenly and unexpectedly...
It's gonna be a lot of work.
EDIT: Btw I haven't checked other countries data. BQ.1 prevalence should correlate strongly with number of administered bivalent Pfizer boosters and excess deaths.
I could still be completely wrong. Better wrong than afraid to think. :)
What I'm saying is that I don't think the mechanisms you describe are what's killing these people. I'm not saying what you describe isn't happening, but it looks to me as if the virus has to work its magic for these massive waves mortality to occur. The correlation is too strong too ignore.
However this is probably happening primarily in bivalently boosted individuals and the whole reason these highly infectious variants became predominant are the boosters.
Young healthy woman experienced heart attack months afterwards. Not a death, but the mechanism seems to be in place for the shot to slowly have an effect on people. So waves of mortality are bunched together because of campaigns. For example, anecdotally, seeing officers from the same police department drop within a month of each other. Teachers from the same school system weeks from each other. Mandate comes down, and conscientious employees jump right in, elseways mandate deadline apporaches and busy employees finally get around to it. My previous job, many people got theirs around the same time, when it became available, others around the same time after reminders came. And then there's the booster campaigns and reminders.
Yes. Who says she didn't have an infection? There isn't as much testing going on anymore. Besides, we don't even know what is in these tests.
I'll give you a rundown of what I am seeing.
Vaccines kill two ways:
1) Toxicity elicited directly by the product or by its payload (spike protein)
2) Through the immune pressure they put on SARS-CoV-2 during breakthrough infections, causing new variants to gain predominance that eventually find their way back to the vaccinated, who are particularly susceptible
It's not just the vaccines. It's also monoclonal antibodies by Eli Lilly that imprint patients' immune systems. The problem is that none of these supply sterile immunity, so the virus learns to evade the antibodies of its host and is passed on to others.
Each variant is harder to neutralize for the vaccinated.
It seems those who were vaccinated are now dying of SARS-CoV-2 infections. The deaths are not declared as such though, so I assume they're dying suddenly and unexpectedly.
I will demonstrate this in the next few articles.
It seems to me some people may be dying of anything that can overtake a person caught up in an ongoing immune challenge. It seems the 'endogenous spike', if you will, of the injected may never actually get cleared, or at least not for a very long time, in some (if not all) injected people. In what might mimic an autoimmune disorder in some people, but present without symptoms in others (much like COVID itself), the body is busy with spike, and increasingly so the more times injected, such that cancer, meningitis, RSV, grp A strep, sepsis, (shingles not necessarily fatal) etc may develop where they otherwise would have been defeated or kept in homeostasis. Basically an immune deficiency disorder. If it's a correct theory, people would be dying also of new COVID variants, but not only.
Yes I agree, it seems people just become susceptible to pretty much everything that can go wrong. However I can not see that in the data. What I can see in the data is that the excess mortality waves are preceded by COVID waves. We know the mechanism by which infections could end very unfortunate for the vaccinee. Unless the data suggest otherwise (I will look into this further), I propose these people caught infections which presented in an unusual manner, possibly clinically silent, and remained undiagnosed.
It's also possible that these people did have diagnosed COVID-19, but the death wasn't registered as such. I don't know, it's really odd. I'll try writing that article in the next couple of days. I'm done looking at the data for this one, the model is pretty much done.
Death via Pb by gunshot, or death via Pb by lead poisoning. Either way, eliminate the Pb and people live, excess mortality resolves
Yes exactly. It will stop once the bivalent boosters are gone and all bivalently boosted were infected. I think it's more than 1 of 100 bivalently boosted that is dying IF it's only them.
I agree that excess mortality in 2022 can not have been caused by acute toxicity alone, but it might still play a significant part. Around 92% of deaths have occurred in the 60+ age group. In this group, 38% have had four or more jabs, and basically all of these have been dealt out in 2022.
Jabs are what is causing this mortality.
But not directly. I will explain in my next article. :)
"The high excess mortality rates of 2022 can not be explained by acute toxicity of COVID-19 immunization products."
The word "acute" is the key. Remove that condition and the data makes perfect sense. Long term side effect coming into focus.
No it's a bit more complex. It's all COVID. The vaccination campaigns coincide with covid waves. New immune pressure creates new variants. Every booster wave correlates with the mortality of the NEXT covid wave. I'll explain it in my next article.
I look forward to your next installment. If it's all COVID, then since I've had COVID you think I'm at equal risk of future "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" and wildfire cancer as someone who's been vaccinated?
Sorry Sheery, I just noticed your post after I had replied to Joel's reply earlier.
No I do not think so for two reasons:
1) The immune systems of the unvaccinated were not deceptively imprinted. You can defend yourself against the virus like any other healthy person.
2) You weren't exposed to spike protein for as long as the vaccinated were. Spike protein injury probably accumulates over time.
There was an article in Nature about COVID-19 sequesters after reinfections. It claimed they occur in both unvaccinated in vaccinated.
While I generally don't see the unvaccinated become reinfected repeatedly, those with weakened immune responses will probably suffer similar damage.
That is precisely why this needs to stop. People can boost themselves to the sky and back if it didn't affect us, but these new variants they generate WILL somehow affect the unvaccinated as well.
As far as I understand (but I'm not a virologist, vaccinologist, pathologist, etc...!!), if you got COVID prior to jab, you're probably OK because your first immune training was natural. Conversely, if your first exposure was to the jab, your immune system is subverted and subsequent natural exposure is worse. And this gets progressively worse, the more you inject.
Sorry Joel, I didn't intend to just backtalk earlier. I thought your reply was a post directed towards me.
That's how I used to understand it as well.
However a polish study found that those who had COVID-19 prior to their first injection suffered much more severe side effects.
Other than that I agree. The longer the duration of spike protein exposure and the higher the dose - regardless of the vector (adenovirus, modRNA, beta-coronavirus, virus-like nanoparticles etc.) - the higher the chance adverse health effects manifest in the patient.
Side-effects in general? My statement was referring only to COVID pathology.
Well, I don't think there is THAT big a difference between COVID-19 pathology and modRNA pathology. Both can be attributed to spike protein toxicity.
I think it's like this:
- It doesn't matter what vector introduces spike protein, as long as your cells are exposed to it
- The injections help the body fend off the virus for some time
- The infection is more likely to kill than the vaccine
It looks like the injection is protecting you from COVID-19 and it kind of is, but at the same you accumulate injuries from spike protein exposure EITHER WAY.
Everytime you suffer an infection sequesters accumulate further.
It's a losing game.
But the real issue is what the immune imprinting and the prolonged exposure is doing to the immune system and hence to the virus which eventually comes back to bite the vaccinee.
Correct. As I have shown in Norway and England (in detail), and evidence pretty much everywhere else in the world with high vax rates. It's VAED or ADE COVID. Without the help from the jab, COVID is a nothing burger, as evidenced in this data (and the other Nordics) prior to the jab campaigns.
Yes, VAED is the general term. What's happening is highly specific to this SARS-Corona virus though.
Disease gets enhanced via more than 1 mechanism here. I'll see what I can fit into the nect article of this series.
Curious. Why did you omit 2021 for SH?
Well I only added the first two years to give people an idea of what average years look like. 2021 is quite complex, with 150million or so administered injections and the "delta wave". This could've generated some confusion about what I was trying to say with that picture.
Also, 3x4 charts would reduce the total resolution of the image. Since I have presented all the charts in the first article, including high resolution charts for 2020-2022 for all regions, I decided against adding a fourth year.
I even considered explaining that so nobody would assume trickery, but I tend to talk too much, so I decided against that too. :D
In that case, I typically will put the explanation in the footnotes. Otherwise some people might accuse you of cherry picking!
And done :)
Thank you!
Excellent idea.
What is the time frame of “acute toxicity” as you are using it? How long is an individual under exposure of either a modRNA product itself or its translated payload, the spike protein after an injection?
I think the exposure time varies immensely, but generally speaking - and this goes for nearly all drugs - the closer the temporal proximity to the maximum plasma level, the higher the chance of adverse events occurring.
The vast majority of adverse events is reported for the first week post-injection. However an individual who received a higher dose is expected to have a higher plasma level than another individual who received a lower dose at all times. Hence adverse events can occur sooner after administration and for a longer duration.
Then there is lasting damage induced by spike. In order not to get caught up in specifics, I will say this: There are a number of pathophysiological processes kicked off by spike exposure that are akin to the process of aging.
But I think the biggest danger in the long term is still COVID-19, especially for the bivalently boosted. I will get to that in the next article.
Looking forward to your thoughts on 2022. I was heavily coerced into the first 2 shots early 2021 and would like to know when I can stop worrying quite so much about this. However, I will never stop being angry about the manipulations and allowing myself to be bullied into going against my instincts. What is meant by 'COVID-19 sequesters'?
Well I assume these are mostly coagulopathies, but there's probably a long list of issues. What's key is the infection however, not the vaccination itself. The vaccine protects from the virus, but creates immune pressure on it without providing sterile immunity. With lots of people being susceptible to the variants that result from this, we get a continuous stream of new variants as long as new "updated" vaccines are supplied. These are the "waves".
If you've had covid since your second shot I don't think you have to be too worried, but I'm not an Immunologist. I can only judge the data. My gut says you're good unless you keep taking shots. Vanden Bossche suggested only the bivalently boosted needed to beware I think. The interaction between virus, vaccine and immune system is much too complex for me to fully understand it.
Very interesting. Perhaps you can help me.
Pfizer changed its formula in late 2021 to replace the Phosphate buffer with Tromethamine, aka Tris, Trometamol, THAM.
After frozen stocks of the old product were used up, is there evidence that the Pfizer Tromethamine jab is killing more people?
Moderna also contained Tromethamine from the outset but killed less people than Pfizer Phosphate version.
ALC-0315 is unique to Pfizer, also used from the beginning.
Oh sorry Tromethamine is a buffer. I had only heard it mentioned back when children's vaccines were introduced and just assumed it was an adiuvans.
More than a buffer. Moderna use it to scavenge Aldehydes form by the breakdown of the tertiary amines in the LNPs which bind to mRNA and stop it replicating.
Do you know the lot numbers? In that case I could check. If you can dig up which lots used Tromethamine I can do an analysis.
Are there any other vaccines that use it as adjuvant?
I considered creating report cohorts according to the type of adiuvant used for my safety signal website (pervaers.com), but it'd take a lot of time and I ended up writing instead.
Unfortunately I don't have Lot numbers used in Germany, but in US and elsewhere they first entered in the FJ series. Moderna has used it from the start.
Tromethamine is also used in the Ervebo (Ebola Zaire live virus) vaccine, Dengvaxia Dengue Fever jab. The Smallpox vaccine approved for use against Monkeypox, Jynneos, is known to cause Anaphylaxis and contains 600 micrograms of Tromethamine per dose.
I'll see if I can look into this. A list of products helps as well, thanks.
So when did Pfizer begin to use it? There are few differences in the side effects profiles between Moderne and Pfizer.
A relatively quick and easy way is to look at the data would be to filter all reports by vaccination date and manufacturer.
So I can check for the proportion of anaphylactic reactions in reports about Pfizer without infection before date x and after date x.
Age will have to be controlled for though, since different age groups were vaccinated at different times. But for a first glance that's not necessary
Pfizer were given permission without any Trial to use it in all versions of the Pediatric jab, then extended to all ages. This occurred in October 2021.
Many patients in my view as dr test positive for Covid 19 short after Covid 19 bioweapon injection. They get sick - I observe personel stay at home because of the
injection weeks after. Since PCR test is not reliable (too many cycles, wrong primers, temperature etc see Drosten retraction paper, K. Mullis) the so called "therapeutic effect" you see is that injection causes harm/illness and therefore it is mistaken to be Covid 19.
The shots cause autoimmune disease as Germanys best Histopathologist Burkhardt (died last year) showed in autopsies. The nanolipids are poisenous (cathionic lipids, SM 102 in Moderna for example). People get clots, myocarditis, Guillaine Barré etc which I have observed in practice.
Foreign proteins especially produced for long time are toxic, induce autoimmune disease. The body attacks itself. Christian Müeller noticed
Myocarditis among 3% of employees in University of Basel after 3:ed dose Pfizer. Pardekooper proved that different batches have wildly different amount and grade of sideeffects. That implies experimentation with different concentrations of ingredients and different ingredients in different batches. Look up former Pfizer chief scientist Mike Yeadons comment on this! So in my opinion your inerpretation is wrong. This are not vaccines. They do not protect. This is desinformation as I view it that in 2022 they lowered excess mortality.
if covid vaccines stop covid deaths, then why do they keep bending curves the wrong way?
another look at the US data
el gato malo
Jan 18
Bradford-Hill Criteria – a scientific method that exposes the lethal, unsafe and ineffective C19 mRNA injections
Peter Halligan
Jan 14
In fact I might even explicitly go through these criteria when I wrap this series up. Very good, thank you
Thank you. I knew this article, but it will help me to go over this again!
Next time I will get to what's happening right now. This article really just gave a hint.