USA: Interactive Scatter Charts
Tracking the correlation between vaccinations and mortality over time
I haven’t quite made peace with the fact that vaccination rates and cumulative excess mortality correlate negatively across US jurisdictions.
To get a better picture of what’s going on, I decided to create yet another website that visualizes this correlation.
Dependent Variable
As the dependent variable I chose cumulative excess deaths per 100k, based on weekly population estimates. Excess deaths are calculated by subtracting the average number of deaths per 100k that occurred in a given calendar week from 2015 to 2019 from the the number of excess deaths occuring during this calendar week in later years.
There are two websites:
This one displays cumulative excess deaths per 100k as the dependent variable, as described above.
This means that states can only be moving upwards on the y axis, unless there is negative excess mortality
Here I express cumulative excess deaths as standard deviations from the current mean excess deaths per 100k
This way you can see countries move up and down, making it easier to recognize how states’ mortality figures are evolving relative to each other
Independent Variable
Our independent variables are
Any Dose: Cumulative doses per resident
First Dose: Cumulative partially vaccinated residents per capita per week
Any Dose Final Rate: Final cumulative doses per resident
Age Groups
Since the only age groups that match mortality age groups are the age groups 0-64 and 65+, I have only included 3 age groups:
0+: All Ages
Colors are assigned in week 50 of 2020, right when vaccinations began. Blue represents the lowest mortality, red the highest. Colors remain the same over the course of the entire 156 weeks.
This allows you to always see how states were ranked pre-vaccination and how this changed over time.
For now this is just something to play around with, trying to understand how vaccinations impacted mortality.
I recommend…
visiting the website that displays mortality as standard deviations from mean
picking Any Dose Final Rate from the Dose Series dropdown
then just move to week 50/2020 and see what happens when you drag the slider further to the right
Thank you very much for all your work! And I do comprehend that the mass vaccination in 2021 is what drove the death spike in the healthy, working age employed in Q3 2021.
I also know that the vaccine weakens the immune system for the initial 2 weeks post injection, hence their convenient cover-up, "you are unvaccinated until 2 weeks post injection!"
You are a "sitting duck" if exposed at that time, (perhaps.)
But I also have seen tmyocarditis, heart attacks, stroke, "turbo cancer," and other fatal events post mRNA Covid Shots.
So that jump upwards isn't all Covid, IMHO. It's the natural results of mRNA technology as it was rolled out, from other information I have seen.
It's certainly a human catastrophe, and I still wonder at the mindset of the people, (if I can call them that,) who rolled this mess out.
Not to mention the "stay home till you turn blue," medical Nihilism, the lies about early treatments, and the huge payouts for Remdesivir and a Ventilator, with a 20% bonus if you used nothing besides those 2.
I for one cannot see any of this as an accident. I wish I could, but it all looks lethal, and intentionally so, to me.
Sasha Latypova (Substack) had a good conversation with Dr. Peter Breggin recently and her conclusions make sense to me. I hope more people will consider her work and conclusions.
Thank you again for your excellent information and data sets. It certainly presents the events clearly and in an accessible format. Hopefully many more people will come to understand how disastrous our "public health policy" really has been, and sadly still is, here in the USA.
For some reason the red and blue colors caused me a bit of confusion.....and then a new thought occurred; is there a correlation between voter population registered Republican or Democrat and that state's uptick in all cause mortality post the Covid-19 vaccine rollout?
Or the lack thereof?
I know that has nothing to do with these charts, but it is a question I've heard asked and that I have wondered myself.
An odd question, for certain, but I did notice, anecdotally, that in my wealthy, mostly Democratic small town there were not all that many severe adverse events reported, but that up the road 12 miles in a very working class and mostly Republican small city, there were lots of severe adverse events, including deaths, post the rollout.
Ditto some friends of mine in other areas, they appeared to witness the same thing.
And big cities appeared to have had less deaths from the vaccines than rural areas also.
Of course all this is purely hearsay and anecdotal. It might not be true at all once you get a really hard look at the data, but I'm wondering if anyone is dividing this up by party affiliation or income level? Or city vs rural living conditions?
I know we looked at Covid deaths by ethnicity but there are many other ways to categorize people. Of course there is the healthy vaccinated bias- the more healthy, educated, and higher income individuals take vaccines at higher rates than people who are not as healthy etc.
That must be accounted for also, the underlying health status of the people receiving them.
But I have heard stories about young, fit, totally healthy individuals dying post a covid vaccine, and they came from the Red, (Republican) "side of town," and that does make me wonder a bit as I haven't heard of anything like that in my Blue Tribe, (Democrats) friends.
Again, probably just coincidence, but I do wonder...