The claim that "Corona" is an anagram for "Raccoon" is also a curious one. As you'll notice by re-reading the previous sentence, "Corona" has a single "C" while "Raccoon" has two "c's." While Merriam-Webster noted that "Racoon" is a valid, albeit less common, spelling for this dumpster-diving mammal, the city in the "Resident Evil" games is spelled "Raccoon City."
Amazing! A white hat warning/awake designer or they're telling us exactly what they're doing and if we don't object it's taken as consent.
Yeah I figured it's probably a very humorous wide-awake graphic designer at work.
There's also this fact check:
It really doesn't get much better:
The claim that "Corona" is an anagram for "Raccoon" is also a curious one. As you'll notice by re-reading the previous sentence, "Corona" has a single "C" while "Raccoon" has two "c's." While Merriam-Webster noted that "Racoon" is a valid, albeit less common, spelling for this dumpster-diving mammal, the city in the "Resident Evil" games is spelled "Raccoon City."
Thank-you for that info. .....and they are resident evil.
Very interesting. Canada has the exact same warning on YouTube.
It is also the Knight's Templars logo, octogon. I've learned plenty about the Knight's Templars and their origins from Sean Hross.